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Cookies and tracking Policy

NOYTER, like most websites, uses cookies and other tracking technologies that record certain information related to visiting or interacting with the site, service, application, messaging function and other tools, as well as to recognize the user on different devices. These technologies are commonly referred to as cookies, web beacons, unique identifiers, and similar technologies. They are described in more detail below.
Cookies are small text files (usually consisting of letters and numbers) that are stored in the memory of your browser or device when you visit a website or view a message. Cookies allow a website to recognize a specific device or browser.

There are several types of cookies:
• Session cookies expire at the end of your browser session and allow us to link your actions during that particular browser session.
• Persistent cookies are stored on your device between browser sessions, which allows us to remember your preferences or actions on multiple sites.
• The main cookies are set by the site you visit.
• Third-party cookies are set by a third-party site separately from the site you visit.
• Social network cookies. These cookies are used when you share information using the share button on social networks or the Like button on websites, or when you link your account or interact with our content on or through social networks. The social network will record that you did it.
• Web beacons are small graphic images (also known as "pixel tags" or "pure gifs") that can be incorporated into our sites, services, applications, messaging, and tools that usually work together with cookies to identify users and user behavior.

Similar technologies are technologies that store information in your browser or device using local shared objects or local storage, such as flash cookies, HTML 5 cookies, and other web application software methods. These technologies may work in all of your browsers, and in some cases may not be fully controlled by your browser and may require management directly through your installed apps or device.
We may use the terms "cookies "or" similar technologies " interchangeably in our policies to refer to all technologies that we may use to store data in your browser or device or that collect information or help us identify you in the manner described above.
The type of data collected may include device type, operating system, browser type, IP address, location, go / exit page URLS, device IDs, crash data, and connection type. Information is collected when you install, access, update, and / or use our Services. The IP address and / or country settings may be used to provide you with an improved and personalized service. This data is used to identify you so that you don't have to enter your username and / or password every time you use the site. It also allows NOYTER to deliver content, including ads and third-party services that may be relevant to you, and personalize your experience. NOYTER also uses this information to develop and improve our content, products and services through customer use. This information also allows you to identify and prevent possible fraudulent activities and evaluate the functionality of the service. To opt out of the use of cookies, you can configure your browser settings on your computer or mobile device.
For more information on how you can block, delete or disable cookies and tracking technologies, please review your browser or device settings, as they differ from each other.
Please note that you will not be able to opt out of cookies or other technologies that are "strictly necessary" for the service. Cookies are required for authenticated access to each page. Without cookies, you can't log in.
By accessing and using NOYTER, you agree to our Cookies and tracking Policy.